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Musical Instrument Names

Wondering if you know all the musical instruments well? Or how to identify music instruments names. If you recognize the differences between understanding a trumpet and a trombone.

Do you know the every musical instruments names you randomly see around? Let us understand the most common Music instruments names and their types, uncover the list of musical instruments, types of musical instruments, and a little brief about the musical instruments and their sounds, different types of musical instruments and their uses, etc making it easier for you to know more about your favourite orchestral instruments.


While each musical instrument possesses its identity together, they create a symphony that reflects human expression.

Types of musical instruments used prominently

1. Piano


Pianos are the well-known musical instruments from the list of musical instruments which need to be played through the keys on the keyboard. The right hand is equipped to play melodies while the left hand is equipped to play chords through different notes.

2. Guitar


Guitars are another key musical instrument that has been known for centuries. It is played by using the fingers which when pressed create different notes.

3. Violin


A string instrument which has been in prevalence for over 500 years and forms a vital part in the Classification of instruments in music. It is held in the left hand and played by drawing the bow across the strings which in turn vibrates and produces a pitch.

4. Cello


The cello is another instrument of the violin family which is played by holding it between the legs in an upright position and left-hand fingers pressing strings down onto the fingerboard. This bow produces the sound through the vibration across the strings.

5. Drum


Drums have been used as the oldest musical instruments across all cultures one of the most significant types of music instruments used in orchestras. Sound is produced by striking the drum with hands or sticks. They are often the most commonly known instruments when it comes to the identification of musical instruments and their sounds.

6. Trumpet


The trumpet is a brass instrument that has been around for centuries and requires continuous buzzing into the mouthpiece to make an “oo” sound. Different notes are produced by pressing these valves with your fingers. Higher notes are produced with sufficient air required and therefore different dynamics.

7. Trombone


The trombone is a special instrument from the different types of musical instruments and is very similar to the trumpet which needs extending or retracting the slide to produce different notes. The mouthpiece is held in the right hand and the slide in the left which produces different sounds.

8. Flute


A flute produces sound when air is blown into it. The player produces different pitches by simultaneously covering or uncovering holes in the flute. It often is listed in the names of musical instruments being used across the globe.

9. Clarinet


A clarinet is a cylindrical shape with a narrow bore which is also played by blowing air into it through a reed. It is held vertically with a mouthpiece at its top which produces sound when air is blown into it and covering its holes with fingers.

10. Saxophone


A saxophone is a wind instrument which makes use of air to produce a sound through the vibration of a reed. As the reed vibrates, vibrations are amplified and breaths successively control the pitch of the saxophone.

11. Bassoon


The bassoon is a double-reed wind instrument in which the instrument is held upright and the player blows into the reed which produces sound. It uses different fingering techniques and changing shapes of the mouth to control the pitch of the instrument.

12. Mallet

The mallet is a percussion instrument which is struck with a mallet to play it. The player produces different sounds by varying the force which is used to strike the instrument and make use of different techniques for different sounds.

13. Timpani


The timpani is an instrument struck on a stol using a mallet. The player makes use of either one or both hands for playing the instrument. Major players use the technique of timpani roll to play it.

14. Triangle


The triangle is struck with a stick in one hand where triangle is placed in the other. This instrument is held in different ways depending on the player’s preference.

15. Glockenspiel

This instrument is played by holding a mallet in one hand and striking keys with the other. The keys witness an arrangement in a chromatic scale which produces melody. The harder the key is hit, the louder the sound will be.

16. Xylophone


Xylophone originated in Southeast Asia and helps in the production of different types of music like classical, jazz, and folk. The player holds the mallet in one hand and strikes the bars in a downward motion with the other. This instrument is available in different sizes, shapes, and bars which are the determining factors for the pitch of the produced nodes.

17. Harp

The harp is a unique and beautiful instrument which has been known for centuries makes it a recommended choice among the list of musical instruments. The first even known history of using a harp is dated 2300 BC and linking music instruments’ names to cultural heritage. This instrument is played by plucking the strings which produces different sounds and these distinctive sound is used in classical and Celtic music.

18. Maracas

The maracas are a traditional musical instrument which holds its history of being from Latin America. People make maracas with different materials like guords, wood, or plastic. Maracas is played in different ways among which one is to hold the instrument and shake it back and forth; while the other is to place it on the ground and hit it with a stick.

19. Tambourine


Tambourines are musical instruments that are played by hitting hard with a stick or hand. It comprises a frame which is usually made of wood or metal that has skin stretched over both the ends of the jingles which are attached to the frame, The Instrument is held in one hand and struck against the palm or thigh which is mounted on a stand.

20. French Horn


Another vital brass instrument that is played by making use of breath which causes vibration its long coiled tubing. The instrument’s weight is managed by the left hand while the valves are handled by the right hand. Pressing on these valves helps the player to change the pitch and note.


There are many musical instruments known to us and above is a list of musical instruments names. This music instruments names list helps in knowing basics about these and is always beneficial and informative.

An understanding of different types of musical instruments and their uses helps you recognize all on the next jazz session and tune in to get more info on your favorite musical instruments.

Music Master is an amazing online platform which helps to recognize different types of music instruments names, and provide online training classes to enhance your skills and have fun!

Discover techniques, dive into musical styles and master the art of playing the flute from the comfort of your own home. Embark on a journey, with us as we unlock your potential in music.


Which musical instruments are the popular?

The piano, guitar, drums and violin are, among the musical instruments.

What are some of the resources for learning to play an instrument?

Excellent resources for learning to play an instrument include tutorials, music schools, private instructors and interactive apps.

Can you mention any instruments with legendary names that have played a significant role in shaping music history?

Instruments such as the Stradivarius violin Gibson Les Paul guitar and Steinway piano have become iconic due to their pivotal contributions, in shaping the history of music.

What advantages come with learning to play an instrument?

Learning to play an instrument can lead to improved abilities, enhanced memory function, increased creativity levels, stress reduction and the development of discipline and patience.



Music Master globally unites with 75+ seasoned professionals providing a range of music lessons for individuals of all age groups. Our skilled teachers tailor each class to meet the needs and interests of our students fostering a passion, for music that resonates across the globe.

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