Warmth Of Nativity: In The Bleak MidWinter Lyrics!

‘In the Bleak Midwinter ’ is a soulful Christmas Carol with poignant themes of simpleness and devotion. Ngl! I have always enjoyed listening to my grandma sing and explain about ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ lyrics when I was a kid. Well, she would sing this to me in my native language but it’s her soothing voice and swaying rhythms that gets me.  She’d also tell me about some of her ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ choir performances while brushing my short black hair.

Yeah yeah, Christmas is all about treats and holly and jolly! But these unforgettable memories linked to the unforgettable melodies of Christmas carols stays with us for years to come. Let’s have a look at the ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ poem, lyrics, its origins and imagery. I will also add In the Bleak Midwinter sheet music at the end of the text.

Genesis of ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ Lyrics

Well, it started as a poem and made its way to become one of the popular Christmas carols of all time. ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ poem was written by an English poet, Christina Rosetti in the year 1872. You’d be glad to read that the verses of the poem paints a vivid picture of a serene yet stark and humble setting of Jesus’s birth.

Later in 1906, Gustav Holst composed the melody and wrote the ‘In The Bleak Midwinter’ sheet music. His melody became very popular, very quickly. I personally love how the musical elements like Melody, Rhythms and Harmonies complement the ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ lyrics. All these elements bring out the beauty of simplicity and devotion.

What Does’ In the Bleak Midwinter’  Poem Mean?

Rossetti’s writing simply reflects the contrast between the coldness of the winter and the warmth of the Christmas spirit. The entire In the Bleak Midwinter lyrics narrows down to the theme of humility. The humble beginning of Jesus was on a stable amidst the harsh climate and not in a palace with grandeur.

She, ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ poem also hints us that a heartfelt worship does not require new clothes or expensive gifts and whatnot, but true a sincere heart would just do fine. The repeated refrain, ‘In the Bleak Midwinter sheet music’, emphasizes that gifting one’s heart no matter our status in this world, would be the most precious offering that one can make. Isn’t it just sorrowful how the world has changed its conventions!.

Did You Know?

There are reference of ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ lyrics in the popular British drama series ‘Peaky Blinders’

Piano chordsIn the mid bleak winter

Guitar chords In the mid bleak winter

Bleak Midwinter
Frosty wind
cherubim worship

In The Bleak Midwinter Sheet Music

The melody of this poignant melancholy was composed by Gustav Holst. ‘In The Bleak Midwinter’ Sheet Music includes a gentle and flowing arrangement that compliments both the melody and the moving words. I have seen numerous arrangements of this carol most suitable for ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ choir renditions. These arran

‘In The Bleak Midwinter’ Sheet Music that I have added for your reference features simple yet emotive harmonies that brings out the poignant nature of the lyrics. The arrangement is set in Adagio (slow tempo), to reflect the ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ lyrics. The F major key is suitable for all the different voice types.

Further In the Bleak Midwinter sheet music also includes dynamic and phrasing directions that guides performers to interpret and and perform with emotional depth. I would urge you to listen to ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ choir performances online. It is so soothing to listen to different voices sing this carol with love and devotion.

This is a lovely rendition of ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ poem by the renowned King’s College Choir, Cambridge. This arrangement brings recognition to Gustov’s original composition. The original melody is infused with lush harmonies and vocal textures to emphasize the emotional depth.

Did You Know?

This rendition of ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’, Gustav Holst was recorded at the King’s College Chapel.  The natural acoustics adds an ethereal quality to the performance.

In The Bleak MidWinter Original Version

The original compositions of ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ poem came out in 1906. Holst’s composition was considered to be a major contribution to the tradition of Carol Singing. The arrangement is pretty straight forward and so is accessible for any choirs of all the levels. The interplay between the voices unwraps a rich sound, indicating that offering one’s heart is the greatest gift of all.

I love how ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ sheet music starts off simple, gradually builds up with each verse and ends with a powerful climax thereby highlighting the significance of Jesus’s birth.

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Susan Boyle’s In the Bleak Midwinter Lyrics

Boyle is well known for her warm, powerful voice. Her rendition of this beloved carol showcases her unique emotive style of singing. The orchestration compliments the flow of melody and the heartfelt message of the carol. The arrangement gives importance to Boyle’s emotional singing and maintaining the musical elements from the original arrangement. The use of Vocal Dynamics and Articulation is noteworthy.

YouTube player

Closing Thoughts

It is reasonable to conclude that ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ Gustav Holst would be a poignant reminder of the true meaning of Christmas, simplicity. Almost everyone’s Christmas repertoire would have this beautiful number making it a staple in Christmas celebrations and services.

Wanna learn the rich origins of other Traditional Christmas Carols? Checkout these articles on


Christina Rosetti, an English poet,  wrote In the Bleak Midwinter.

Christina Rossetti’ In the Bleak Midwinter conveys the themes of humility, love and contrast between desolation and warmth.

In the Bleak Midwinter was written in 1872.

Holst Gustav composed the music for ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’.

Yes, it is a Traditional Christmas Carol.

C, Am, Dm, G, C are the commonly used ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ chords.

There are many versions online. There are three to four versions that are fairly popular.

Related Blog: Unlock The Spirit Of Christmas: Christmas Carols Chords.

Annie Jennifer

Annie Jennifer

Annie has a rich background in music holding a Diploma(ATCL) in Western Classical and Jazz music, a degree in Hindustani Classical Music and a Diploma in Carnatic Music.

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