Learn Geetham – Padumanabha Parama With Lyrics

ARO: S R1 M1 P D1 S
AVA: S D1 P M1 G2 R1 S
Talam: Triputa (Thisra Jathi)
Composer: Purandara Dasa
Language : kannada

Padumanabha Parama Notations

Padumanabha Parama – Triputa

1 R S D S , S , M G R M M P ,
  Pa d u ma - bhā - pa ra ma pu ru shā -
  S D , D P M P D D P M G R S
  pa ram - - - thi swa thi - - -
  R S D S , S , M G R M M P ,
  vi du ra van - dhiā - vi ma la cha ri thā -
  S D , D P M P D D P M G R S
  vi hang - - - di - ha na - - -
  P M P D D D D D P
  U dha dhi ni - sa u ra ga sa ya - na
  D D P P , P M R M M P , P ,
  u - nna thō - nna tha ma hi - - - -
  D D P P , P M R , M M G R S
  Ya du ku - tthama ye - gna ra - kshaka
  S , S D D D P P , P M G R S
  a - gna si - ksha ka - ma - - ma
2 D , D P M P D D P M G R S
  Vibhee - si - - la - na na
  D , D P M P D D P M G R S
  i bha - va ra da - ya ka - namō namō

Padumanabha Parama Lyrics

The following are the Padumanabha Parama Lyrics

Padumanaabha Parama Purushaa

Param Jyoti Swaroopaa
Vidhura Vandya Vimala Charita

Vihanga Adirohana

Udadhi Nivaasa Uraga Shayana

Unnatonnata Mahima
Yadukulottama Yagnya Rakshaka

Yagnya Shikshaka Raama Naama

Vibheeshana Paalaka Namo Namo

Ibha Varadaayaka Namo Namo
Shubha Prada Sumanorada Surendra Manoranjanaa A

bhinava Purandara Vithala Bhallare Raama Naama

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