music terminology and definitions for beginners and advanced learners

Essential Musical Terms: A Complete Guide to Music Terminology

“Where Words Fail Music Speaks,” goes the popular saying! But have you thought of the fact that there is a

Visual representation of triads in music, including major, minor, and diminished chords

Learn Triads In Music

Before we begin, you should know that Triads in Music are an excellent and a very useful tool for composing

Beethoven Symphony Experience: A Musical Journey

Beethoven Symphony

“Mark that young man; he will make a name for himself in the world!” When such words come from one

The Four Seasons Vivaldi

Vivaldi Four Seasons

A year can be divided in many ways: days, weeks, months, and seasons. When a musician is asked to describe

A Beginner Guide to Chromatic Scale

Did you know?  A chromatic note does not belong to any scale! Well, a Chromatic Scale on piano doesn’t have

g major chord

How to play G Major chord for beginners on Guitar

Play G major chord guitar for beginners One of the most played open chords on the guitar is the G


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