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Meaning of Geethas

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Published on  |  Last Updated on April 25, 2024
Geetham 1
  •  (a) ambāsutaamaravinutha (Lam)
  •  (b) Si ďď ha Chāranaganasēvithasiďďhivināyakathēnamōnamō (Lam)ŚriGananātha – sin ď hūravarnaKarunāsāgara  –   Kari  Va ď hanaLambō ď haraLakumiKarā
  •  (c) Sakala vi ďyāďipūjithasarvōthamethēnamōnamō (Lam)


  • (a)  Oh! Lord of all things, Red in colour Who is an ocean in mercy, having a big stomach,  Oh!  Son of Pārvathi, you are worshipped by all.
  • (b)   Siddhās and Chāranās offer worship to you. My pranāms to you without whom ashtasidhis are impossible.
  • (c)   You are worshipped at the beginning of all arts. My pranāms to you are superior to all Gods.
Geetham 2
  • (a) KunthagouraGowrivara man ďhirāyamānamakuta  man ďārakusumākara magaranthamvāsithuvā.
  • (b)  Hēmakutasimhāsanavirpākshakarunākara (Man).
  • (c)  Chan ď a māma man ď āgini man ď irāyamānamakuta (Man).


  • (a)  Oh! Lord of Gowri, you are as white as a jasmine flower. You wear the keeda which looks like a palace.
  • (b)  You have in the golden chair. You have three eyes and you are full of mercy
  • (c)   You have your makuta as the place of residence for the Moon and the Ganga.
Geetham 3
  • (a) Kerayaneeranukeregachallivaravapadde ď avaranteKānirōHariyakarunaďOlā Bhāgyava – HarisamarpanamādibaďukiroHariyakarunaďholāďabhāgyava.
  • (b) Sri puranďaravitalarāyācharanakamalayanōdibaďukiro (Hariya).


See those who got the blessings of God by offering the lake’s wteryo the lake itself. Likewise offer the wealth you got by the grase of God to God himself and be blessed.

Geetham 4
  • (a)  Pa ďumanābhāparamapurushājōtiswarūpā –vi ď  ura van ď yavimalacharithā – vihangā ď I – rōhanā  -u ď a ďini vasa uragaŚayanaunnathōnnathamahimā  – ya ď ukulōtthamayegnarkshakaagnasikshakaRāmanāma-
  • (b)  Vibhees’hanapālākānamō,- Subhapradhasumanōra ď a surēn ď ramanōranjanā-  abhinavapuran ď aravitallaballareRāmanāma.


 You have lotus in your nāval. You are the best purusha , you have the form of  matchless  jyoti.  You were   worshipped by  vidhura. You have  a pure histry. You have a garuda as your vehicle. You live in ocean and have  Ādhisēsha as your bed. You are the best among the praised.                           

You are the best among theyadhavās.  You protectedyagās.  You taught the rules of yagās.  You taught the rules of yagās.  You bear the nameRamā.  You save d Vibheeshana,pranāms to you.  You liberated Gajēndra.  Pranāms oh!  Grantor of auspiciousness,  having good thoughts.  You pleased the mind of Davēndra. Only  Purandaravittala knows the value of Rāmanāma , with  so many attributes.

Geetham  5

Ānalēkaraunnipōlaď  I   sakalaŚāstrpurāna  ď  hinamthālaďhinamthālaďhinamthālaparigathu   – rērēsēthuvāha ,  parigathamnam ,  jatājūta.


Just as the water stored in a tank leaks through another outlet, even as we watch, so too my life has been wasted without t practicing  all the Śāstras  and purānās as prescribed.

 Geetham 6

Varaveenamru  ďupāni   –   vanaruthalōchanarānisuruchira –pambaravēni  –  suranuthakalyani.NirupamaŚubhagunaLōla  -nirathajayāpradaŚeela – varadhāpriyaRenganāyaki –  vānchithaphaladāyaki,  sarasijāsanaJanani   Jaya  Jaya.


 With divine veena in hand that is soft,  you are the  Queen of Parmātma,  who has  eyes  like the petals of the lotus. You have tresses like the beetles , you  areworshippe by the DēVAS. You have an auspicious form.  You shine with unlathable good qualities.  You are the mistress  ofRanganatha,  the  wish fulgrantor of boons. You grant desired strength. Oh mother of  Brahma,  victory to you.

Geetham 7

Kamalajaďalavimalasunayana  –  karivara ď a  Karunāmbu  ď ē  karunasaraďē –  kamala kāntha.Kēsinarakāsuravibhē ď anavara ď a  vēlapurasurōthamasāra ď e kamalākānthā.


Oh! Lord who has eyes like the petals of the lotus,  you blessed  Gajendra  with the Mercy  like an ocean.  Oh! Lord of Lakshmi , you destroyedKēsi  andNarakasura.  Oh!  Grantor  of  boons, you have  blessed   velapura  with your kind  presence.

Geetham 8

Janakasuthakuchakumkuma-pangithalānchanurērē.  Baliharurēkhagavāhana  –  kāncheepurinilayā  –  karirakshakabhujavikramakāmithaphaladāyaka –  karivaraď ā  kalyāna  –  Perunďēvimanōharurē –  karigirinivāsurē.


 Oh! Rama, decorated by thekumkum that is Sita ,  the daughter of janaka .  You are the one who killed emperor Bali, You havegarudaas yourvahana. You granted boons to Gajendra . You are the lord of the auspicious  Lakshmi. you reside in  karigiri.

 Geetham 9

Manďhararē  ďhararē–mōkshamurārē –  dhaithya kulānthaka pāvāna mūruthē paďa Subha rēka makuta māyūra.


Holding mandara parvatha, you are the korma avathar. You grant mōksha. You are the enemy of mura asura. You are like yama for the asurās. You have a pure oddy, you have the most anupicious lines in your pāa (feet). You wear pacock feathers on your makuta.

Geetham 10

Rērē Śri Ramachanďrā raghuvamŚa thilakā Rāghavendrā ᾹŚritha jana posha kurē seethe manorajanu-rē rēďherā Rāvanāsura anthakurē ďeena jana man ďārumāmava.


Oh! Ramachandra, you are like the thilak of raghu vamsa,you look like Indra to King of raghu vamsa. You protect the devetas. You give bliss to Sita. Oh! Victorious, You protect the devetas. You give bliss to Sita. Oh! Victorious, the Killer and Ravana, like the parijatha vriksha you fulfil the desires of the suffering. Please save me.

Geetham 11

Kamalasulōchana vimala thatāgini – marāla gāmini karihara maďhyē bimbhānana viďumandalarē. Chandana kumkuma samkalithā – parimala kasturi thilakatharē rē – Jāji sayyā kacha kucha gana jaganamaboja marāla gāmini(vidu).


One who has eyes like the lotus, who walks like the swan in the pure waters of the lake, you have a thin waist like that of a lion you have have a moon- like face coloured red like the kouvai fruit.

You have put on the sweet smelling thilak, mixed with sandal and kumkum. You lie down on the bed made of jaadi flowers, You are beautiful everywhere.

Geetham 12     

Meenākshi Jaya kāmākshi – Kankatika vāmākshi- Appraďhipa prabhā vonnatha – madhura madhura sālamkāra-Omkara Kalitha tabha-yuďďha mithra maďu Kaitapa-Kanda chanda dandanu jānu(Mee)

Madayā valu yanana Kārthikeya janani- jaya kāthyāni Kāli Rudrāni- Veenā nigvāni-Kāranakara nakha sikaram – jaya muďirābham  maďhurāp priys Sokkauāďa swamy muruthē.


You have an eye like the fish, May there be auspiciousness. You have eyes that fulfil, the desires of the devotes. Your eyes are enchanting. You are the best among the matchless. Your speech accompanies omkar and it is very sweetly decorated. 

You have fearful long hands capable of killing the war lovingmadhu and kaitaba. You are the mother of elephant-faced vinayaka and subramany. May there be auspiciousnes. Kathyayini hey kali! Rudhra priya! You have a sweet voice like that of veena. Your nails shine like the lighting in your body which looks like clouds.

You are the mistress of lord Sokkanada who likes staying in Mathurapuri.

Geetham 13

Sri Rāmachanďra sritha pārijātha- samastha kalyāna gunābhi Rāma- Seethā mukhām boruha sancharika-nirandaram mangalam āthanothu.


Sri Ramachandra is like the parijatha vriksha for devotees. He is capable of pleasing everybody with his ever divine qualities. May Sri Rama, who is like the beetle that flies around the lotus that is Sita’s face, provide auspiciousness forever generously.

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