Learn to sing Ganapathiye Varuvai

The lord of removing obstacles is born today – yes, we are talking about the lovable Lord Ganesha, the quirky yet wise. Just like every activity starts with us thinking about him, whether it is the Pullaiyar Suzhi that people write on an empty sheet of paper or a Carnatic Katcheri.

Ganapathiye Varuvai is a popular tamil devotional song that you hear almost everyday not just in Ganapathy temples but everywhere in the land of Tamil Nadu. Let’s dive deep into Ganapathiye Varuvai set in Gambeera Nattai ragam and Aadi talam (4/4 time signature in western culture) along with Ganapathiye Varuvai lyrics.

One of the most famous versions of this song is composed by D.B. Ramachandran with lyrics penned by Dr. Ulundurpettai Shanmugam sung by Dr. Sirkazhi S. Govindarajan.

Ganapathiye Varuvai Lyrics

There are many avatars of Ganesha. This song evokes the one who blesses the devotees with all kinds of wealth while . Following is the ganapathiye varuvai lyrics of this devotional composition:


Ganapathiye Varuvai Arulvai 
Ganapathiye Varuvai Arulvai
Ganapathiye Varuvaai


Manam Mozhi Meiyaale
Dhinam Unnai Thuthikka…
Manam Mozhi Meiyaale
Dhinam Unnai Thuthikka
Mangala Isai Yendhan Naavinil Udhikka
Mangala Isai Yendhan Naavinil Udhikka [Ganapathiye Varuvai]


Yaezhu Surangalil Naanisai Paada
Engume Inbam Pongiye Oda

Yaezhu Surangalil Naan Isai Paada
Engume Inbam Pongiyae Oda

Thalamum Bhavamum
Thadhumbi Kootthaada

Thalamum Bhavamum
Thadhumbi Kootthaada

Tharaniyil Yaavarum
Pugazhndhu Kondada [Ganapathiye Varuvaai]

Charanam -2

Thookiya Thudhikkai Vaazhtthukkal Alikka
Dhoniyum Mani Yena
Ganeer Endrolikka

Thookiya Thudhikkai Vaazhtthukkal Alikka
Dhoniyum Mani Yena
Ganeer Endrolikka
Ookkuga Nallisai Ullam Kalikka
Unmai Gnaanam Selvamum Kozhikka

Ganapathiye Varuvai Arulvai
Ganapathiye Varuvaa

Ganapathiye Varuvai Meaning

Let me take you for a walkthrough of this Ganapathiye Varuvai lyrics in detail with meaning split into Pallavi, Anu Pallavi and Charanam, the three structured pattern used in classical musicians.

Ganapathiye Varuvai – Pallavi Meaning

The first verse is calling out the playful lord, the son of Ganesha (Ganapathiye) to come (varuvaai).

Ganapathiye Varuvai – Anu Pallavi Meaning

The second verse is asking the lord to bless (Arulvai) me, while I (the poet) praise him with all my heart, expressing it with divine songs (Mangala Isai) through my tongue (Naavilnil), a poetic expression for words.

Ganapathiye Varuvai – Charanam 1 Meaning

The third verse is how music forms just by praising the Lord. The verse roughly translates to the meaning as follows: 

When I (poet) sing in all the seven swaras (Yaezhu Surangalil), happiness (inbam) sprouts in abundance everywhere. When he (the poet) does, won’t the rhythm (thalamum) and melodic beauty (bhavamum) flow with praises of everything under the sun (tharaniyil)?

Ganapathiye Varuvai – Charanam 2 Meaning

Let the raised trunk (Thookiya Thudhikkai) of the elephant headed god commend admiration, his adornments raise loud cheers resonating amongst devotees (Ganeer Endrolikka), motivating music(ookuga nallisai) for the soul which leads to the true wisdom (Unmai Gnaanam) make you bountifully rich (Selvamum) in abundance.

Ganapathiye Varuvai Notation (swaras)

Notes of any song will help you with sight reading, i.e., a guide for everyone whether they know the whole song or not. Following are the Ganapathiye Varuvai notation followed by the Indian Classical Music system.

Ragam: Ghambeera Nattai

Composer: Seerkazhi Govindarajan

Aro: S G2 M1 P N2 Ṡ

Ava: Ṡ N2 P M G2 S

Ganapathiye Varuvai Prelude

Sa P M Pa , M G M P M Ga , | G M P M G M G S | S Ga S Sa ; || (2 times)

S Sa S P Pa P Ṡ  Ṡa Ṡ Ġa Ġ | Ṁ Ṁa Ġ Ġa – Ṡ Ṡ  | , N Ne P Pa – M ||

N Pa M G Sa Ṇ Sa ,- S N Pa M | G Sa Ṇ Sa ,- S   | N Pa M G Sa Ṇ ||


Sa Sa Pa P M P M N P , MGaPMa | MaGM Ga ; ; | MaGPMaGM Sa; ||

Sa Sa Pa P M G M PN Ṡ N-P Ma | MaGM Ga ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||


, , , S G M P M

Pa , M Pa , , , , M P M G S | Ga , S Ga ; | , , , G M G S Ṇ ||

Sa G S Ga M G Ma P M Pa N P | N Ṡa P ,- P Ne P | ,- P Ne | Ma -G M G S P P ||


G ; G M , P Ne N Ṡa -Ṡ ; Ṡa | ; Ṡ Ṡ N- P Ne | , , Ṡ Ṡ Ġ – Ṡ Ġa ||

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | Ṡ Ġ Ġ Ṁ Ġ Ṡa , | ; ; Ṡ Ġ Ṡ N ||

P Ma , ; ; G M Pa N -P Ne| Ṡ N Ṡa ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||

; G M , P Ne N Ṡa -Ṡ ; Ṡa | ; Ṡ Ṡ N- P Ne | , , Ṡ Ṡ Ġ – Ṡ Ġa ||

Ġ Ṡa – Ṡ Ṁ Ġ Ṡa Ṡ Ṡa – N Ġ Ṡ Ne | , , , P Ṡ N Pa | ; M N P-P Ma ||

, , , Ṡ Ṁ Ġ Ṡa Ṡ Ṡa – N Ġ Ṡ N P | , , , M N P P M | MaGMGPMa MaGMGS||

Sa Ga M Ga M , P M G Ma ; | Pa Ṡa N Ṡa – P | , Ṡ N Ṡ Pa ; ||

S Sa S P Pa P Ṡ Ṡa Ṡ Ġ Ġa Ġ | Ṁ Ṁa Ġ Ġa Ṡ Ṡ | , N Ne P Pa – M ||

N Pa M G Sa Ṇ Sa ,- S N Pa M | G Sa Ṇ Sa ,- S | N Pa M G S G M ||


Pa , , , P Ṡ N Pa Pa ; Pa Pa | , , , M P P Pa | P M N P P Ma , ||

, , , M , NP Ma MaGMGPMa MaGMa G S | , , , S , G Ma | Pa – M P , Pa , ||

Pa , M Pa , M P M G S G M P M | Pa , , ,P Ṡ N Pa ; Pa Pa | , , , M P-P Pa | MPPN


, , , M ,NPMa MaGMGPMa MaGM GS | , , , S , G Ma | Pa -M P , Pa , ||

, , , P N-P Ne , , ,N Ṡ Ṡ Ṡa | , , , Ṡ Ṡa Ṡa | Ṡa , -Ṡ ; Ġ Ṡ ||

Ġa ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; | Ṡa ; ; ; ||

, , , P N-P Ne , , ,N Ṡ Ṡ Ṡa | , , , Ṡ Ṡa Ṡa | Ṡa , -Ṡ ; Ġ Ṡ ||

Ġa Ṡ -Ṡ Ṁ Ġ Ṡa , , , N Ġ Ṡ N P | , , M M N P P M | MaGMGPMa MaGM G S ||

Repeat the Charanam-1 notations for Charanam-2

Ganesha Devotional Songs

Like I mentioned earlier, everything starts by praying to Lord Ganesha. From the famous Maha Ganapathim performed by musicians and other artists to the Shakthi Sahitha Ganapathim geetham that we learn during our initial stages of singing, the number of songs telling his tales, talking about how great he is, are innumerable and mostly adorable. Other famous songs include the enchanting Eka Dhantha sung by Shankar Mahadevan, Gajamukhane Ganapathiye, and Vinayakane Vinai Theerpavane.

Ganesha In Movies

There are even film songs that cover HIS omnipresence like Pulaiyar Patti Hero from Vaanmathi movie starring Mr. Ajith Kumar, Deva Shree Ganesha danced by the flamboyant Hristhik Roshan in Agneepath, and the Kalam Kali Kalam from the movie Amarkalam performed by Master Lawrance, are noteworthy. Most of these songs will feature a situation where Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated.

Final Thoughts

There are a set of rules to lead life and choosing the path of Ganesha helps to start with because he is the kind son of Lord Shiva and Parvathi where Parthi made HIM out of mud. In fact, he got his elephant head because when he was beheaded earlier. When Shakthi got angry, Lord Shiva chose the first living being’s head as a replacement. The animal that passed by happened to be an elephant and hence the elephant head. 

There are many rituals followed to celebrate his birthday from eating Kozhukattais or modhaks in Hindi, to chanting Sanskrit slokas, singing popular songs in different languages, decorating a Ganesha made of mud and then immersing it in the house’s well, or the sea for HIM to bless us until HIS next birthday.


The meaning of ‘Ganapathiye Varuvai’ translates to ‘Lord Ganesha, you will come’. In the poetic sense, it is the faith that HE would come for sure when called.

The composer of Ganapathiye Varuvai is D.B. Ramachandran with lyrics penned by Dr. Ulundurpettai Shanmugam.

Ganapathiye Varuvai is a Tamil devotional song set in Gambeera Nattai raga, a.k.a, Shuddha Nata. It is a janya raga, a derivation of the 36th Melakartha scale, Chalanattai.

The beautiful lyrics of Ganapathi Varuvai are as follows: 


Ganapathiye Varuvai Arulvai
Ganapathiye Varuvai Arulvai
Ganapathiye Varuvaai 


Manam Mozhi Meiyaale
Dhinam Unnai Thuthikka…
Manam Mozhi Meiyaale
Dhinam Unnai Thuthikka
Mangala Isai Yendhan Naavinil Udhikka
Mangala Isai Yendhan Naavinil Udhikka [Ganapathiye Varuvai]

Charanam 1

Yaezhu Surangalil Naanisai Paada
Engume Inbam Pongiye Oda
Yaezhu Surangalil Naan Isai Paada
Engume Inbam Pongiyae Oda
Thalamum Bhavamum
Thadhumbi Kootthaada
Thalamum Bhavamum
Thadhumbi Kootthaada
Tharaniyil Yaavarum
Pugazhndhu Kondada [Ganapathiye Varuvaai]

 Charanam 2

Thookiya Thudhikkai Vaazhtthukkal Alikka
Dhoniyum Mani Yena
Ganeer Endrolikka
Thookiya Thudhikkai Vaazhtthukkal Alikka
Dhoniyum Mani Yena
Ganeer Endrolikka
Ookkuga Nallisai Ullam Kalikka
Unmai Gnaanam Selvamum Kozhikka
Ganapathiye Varuvai Arulvai
Ganapathiye Varuvaai

Find out the lyrics of Ganapathiye Varuvai from the umpteen sources available online. Some of the trusted sites include Smule, Bhajan Lyrics World, and Arul Isai.

The song, Ganapathiye Varuvai, falls under the Devotional genre that has Indian instruments evoking Bhakthi rasa

This is not a traditional Carnatic song but comes under short songs like a Bhajan. However, it is performed by many musicians as part of their setlist for its significance and connection it has with the audience.

Related Blog: Mahaganapathim

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Suriya Karthick

Suriya Karthick

As a person with vast knowledge and understanding of Carnatic music and Veena. She makes a methodical teacher. Having known the nuances of Carnatic music better, she gives her students a whole new experience through her way of teaching. She continues to flourish in her musical journey by constantly learning and garnering insights in Carnatic music.

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