Bm guitar Chord is generally called as B minor guitar chord. This chord is a barre chord and uses four fingers hence this demands a good amount of practice to master this chord. Once you learn to play the B minor chord on guitar you can play all the other minor chords across the entire neck of the guitar using the shape of this chord.
Playing the B minor guitar chord in 4 simple steps
Before playing the B minor guitar chord take a look at the diagram and the chord shape.

Step 1 : Place the 1st or index finger across the 2nd fret barring from 5th string. Don’t press too hard nor place it soft, just a firm level of pressure.
Step 2 : Place the 2nd or middle finger in 3rd fret of 2rd string (B string)
Step 3 : Keep your 3rd or ring finger in the 4th fret of 4th string (D string)
Step 4: Finally Place the 4th or pinky finger in 4th fret of 3rd string (G string string)
Now play the bottom 5 strings together in one stroke, which is the B minor chord for you. In all probability, you must hear a muted sound. Please don’t worry. Even all professional guitarist has to go through this phase. Pluck slowly one string after the other. Whichever note is not coming clear, you may want to adjust the finger position so that the sound comes clearly.
You can also play this b minor guitar chord in another method by just placing the 1st of the index finger in 2nd fret of the 1st string (E string) instead of barring the entire five strings and strum only the bottom four strings.
Check the following links to learn the beginner chords.