
Online Guitar lessons

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Guitar Lessons for Beginners

All about guitar capo

What Is A Guitar Capo And How To Choose A Best Guitar Capo

All the guitarists would have probably seen or might have heard of a guitar capo. This is a small yet

Away in a Manger Lyrics

Lullabies of Christmas: Away in a Manger Lyrics and Chords

Away in a manger, in the stillness of a manger, a cherished tale unfolds celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ!

History of Guitar and Why was it invented

History Of Guitar And Why Was It Invented?

Playing guitar in front thousands of fans, creasing your instruments as gently as a lover does simultaneously bashing the strings

A Beginner Guide to Chromatic Scale

Did you know?  A chromatic note does not belong to any scale! Well, a Chromatic Scale on piano doesn’t have


Unlock The Spirit Of Holidays: Christmas Carols Chords

Gifts and sweets and Christmas ornaments bring joy and happiness! But not more than singing and playing Christmas carols during

g major chord

How to play G Major chord for beginners on Guitar

Play G major chord guitar for beginners One of the most played open chords on the guitar is the G


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