
Online Guitar lessons

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Guitar Lessons for Beginners

how to read guitar tabs for beginners, with examples and step-by-step instructions

How To Read The Guitar Tab For Beginners: A Step-By-Step Guide

The Guitar tab is a super-fun way of learning songs without reading traditional sheets. But what are the Guitar tabs,

10 Best Tamil Electric Guitar Songs

10 Best Tamil Electric Guitar Songs Of All Time

The usage of electric guitar particularly with effects (distortion, fuzz etc.) makes a song powerful, heavy depending upon the effects

Best Budget Guitar Amps for Beginners

5 Guitar Amps for Beginners in Budget

Alright, so by now you must have chosen your preferred electric guitar and now you want to buy an amplifier

Comparison between Acoustic and Classical Guitars

Acoustic Guitar vs Classical Guitar

You’re thinking about picking up a guitar. Which one should you be choosing: an acoustic guitar or a classical guitar?

Fingerstyle guitar technique

Fingerstyle Guitar: Master Fingerpicking Techniques With Songs

Guitar is one of the most versatile instruments on the basis of both tonal quality and design, but it also

Last Christmas Lyrics and Chords

‘Last Christmas’ By Wham, Lyrics And Chords!

I bet you didn’t know that ‘Last Christmas’ by Wham topped the charts in Uk only 36 years after its


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