Exploring Different Male Voices In Music

Understanding the different male voices in the realm of vocal music will make you identify your own singing voice. Every voice is riveting and unique. You can find everything you need to know about Different male voices in music such as countertenor, tenor, baritone, bass and their characteristics, vocal range in both Classical and Contemporary Music.

Two important factors used to differentiate between voices are coloratura facility and vocal weight. These characteristics, along with transition points influence how agile or heavy the voice sounds in different vocal styles. Now let’s see why it’s important to understand your voice.

Importance of Understanding Different Male Voices

We know that each person has individualistic traits and unique vocal timbre. Yet, the musical system has categorized all the voices based on a few factors and nature. By identifying which category you belong to, you can understand your voice and what it can do and its limits to preserve vocal health. Knowing your voice type helps you know what to perform, pick a suitable repertoire, basically what’s right for you. Three main factors are used to categorize male voices namely,

  • Male vocal range
  • Timbre
  • Tessitura

Different Male Voices


Tenor male singer voice which typically has a higher vocal range. Tenor voice can often be seen singing lead roles because of their flexible tessitura and expressive capabilities. Tenors have a bright vocal timbre. In a typical choir, tenors have the highest vocal range among male vocal ranges. Tenor voice are classified into Countertenors, Lyrical tenor, spinto tenor and heldentenor.

Did You Know?

The term tenor originated from an Italian word “Tenere” which means “to hold”.

Generally, Tenor vocal range is between C3 and C5 and tenors are known for hitting high notes. Popular tenor voice around the world are Luciano Pavarotti, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Adam Levine and Freddie Mercury.

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Countertenors are male singers whose vocal range is similar to that of sopranos, mezzo-sopranos, and contraltos in female voices. Countertenors’ voices use their falsetto to sing such high pitches. It is also highest male voice classical music.

Their vocal range roughly spans from F3 to C6. Some of the famous countertenors include Philippe Jaroussky, Andreas School, Mika etc. though not a countertenor voice, Sam Smith is popular for his distinctive high vocal range.

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Baritone singer voices are the middle range male voice right in between tenors and bass. They have a rich and versatile vocal timbre and can communicate both lyrical and dramatic repertoires effectively. Not just classical music, baritones play an important role in contemporary music including chorale music. The term baritone comes from the Greek word “barytonos” meaning “heavy holding”. Like any other male voice, baritones were further classified into light baritone, lyric baritone, verdi baritone, dramatic baritone.

Baritone’s male voice has a vocal range from A2 to B4. Some of the popular baritone male voices include Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, Micheal Buble.

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Bass voices have the lowest vocal range among all male voice. Basses are known for their rich and deep timbre. If you look back at the early theatrical performances, you’d find basses taking up authoritative and profound roles in the plays. Bass lines support the harmony with root notes in a chorale. Proper breath support and voice placement is an absolute requirement for singing in lower registers. Basses were categorized into bass-baritone, lyric bass, comic bass and dramatic bass.

Bass voice have a vocal range between E2 and E4. Some of the most popular basses of all time are Barry White, Avi Kaplan, Cesare Seipi and Samuel Ramey.

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How to Find Your Vocal Range in 5 Steps?

Step 1: Begin with warming up your voice. Flexible vocal cords and muscles can help you reach higher or lower notes easily and therefore leading to knowing your vocal range better.

Step 2: Pick a comfortable note on a piano and try singing it. Keep singing notes in higher pitches until you reach to a point where you cannot sing a note comfortably without strain

Step 3: Follow the same procedure said in step 2 but with lower pitches. This goes for all male vocal ranges.

You can also use Vocal Range Finder apps available online to do the same.

Step 4: Once you know the number of pitches you can sing, try and identify its octave number on the piano or a keyboard.

For example, if you can sing 5 notes below middle C and 9 above the middle C, it means that your vocal range is A3 to A4.

Step 5: Keep trying this frequently. As days pass, with practice you can increase your vocal range and so keep checking it as frequently as required.

How to Find Your Voice Nature: For Male Vocal Ranges

Knowing your voice involves understanding each male voice and its characteristics, especially its tessitura and male vocal range and vocal fold. Once you know your vocal range, half of the work here is done. Here is a little guide for you to identify which male voices you belong to. Check out this vocal range chart of all the male voice.

  1. You need to be aware of the various male voices there are in Music. We now know that male voice are Tenor, Baritone and Bass. there sub categories like counter tenor, baritone-bass etc.
  2. Vocal range is simply the range or number of pitches you can sing comfortably without much strain. Follow the guidelines laid out for you above and find out your voice range easily.
  3. You must pay attention to your voice’s timbre. Is it deep or light? Warm or bright? Pay attention to the sound carefully. And now you can make a decision on which category or the male voice you belong to.
  4. I would recommend you seek professional guidance. Sometimes professionals can bring out new things in you that you didn’t know existed. Find a good tutor and get their help to make an informed decision. You can always book a free demo with us! at MUSICMASTER
  5. You can listen to some popular pieces of different male voice with different male vocal ranges. And try to identify in which male voice’s vocal range you can sing comfortably. This is yet another way to find your voice nature.

Closing Thoughts!

You should remember, patience and persistent practice can expand your vocal range. With a flexible vocal range and proper vocal techniques you may be able to experiment initially. But regardless of which male voice you belong to, be sure to select an apt repertoire that brings out your strengths and skills best.


Tenor, Baritone, Bass are the main voice types of males.

Baritone is the mid-range of male types of voices.

Countertenors use falsetto to sing pitches higher than male vocal range.

You can determine your voice by understanding the characteristics of all the male voice types and then finding out your own vocal range.

Some of the famous baritone singers include Elvis Presley, Josh Groban, Micheal Buble.

Famous tenor singers are Luciano Pavarotti, Micheal Jackson, John Legend, Sam Smith.

You would be one of the three male voice types, Tenor, baritone or bass based on your timbre and tessitura.

Annie Jennifer

Annie Jennifer

Annie has a rich background in music holding a Diploma(ATCL) in Western Classical and Jazz music, a degree in Hindustani Classical Music and a Diploma in Carnatic Music.

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