Eru Mayil Eri Thirupugal

Eru mayil eri from thirupugal written, composed and sung by Arunagirinathar. The Tamil Shavaite who is known to sing songs in praise of Lord Muruga in the 15th century. Said to have composed verses about the six faced deity in 8 small verses. That is equivalent to recite the 240+ versed Kandha Shasthi Kavasam sung in many homes.

Following is a brief introduction of the eru mayil eri thirupugal composer. The song’s meaning and the significance of this beautiful carnatic music along with eru mayil eri thirupugal lyrics.

Arunagirinathar – Divine Plot Twist to Life

The composer of eru mayil eri thirupugal. But who is he and why is a renowned man in Tamil literature? Let’s find out.

Arunagirinadhar is an ordinary man who became a saint. According to legends, he decided to commit suicide from a tall cliff, hating to live his life due to poverty and many other family issues he had. However, when he fell down, he shouted Lord Muruga’s name unintentionally. Looks like HE heard the man’s plight, saved him from committing suicide and taught him his purpose to spread his praise across the globe through songs. Some say He used his Vel (spear) to write on his tongue that magically gave him the global knowledge of Muruga’s life, his parents (Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi).

Since then, he set his journey to the six abodes of Lord Muruga called the Aru Padai including Thiruparankundram, Thiruchandur, Pazhani, Swamymalai, Thiruthani, and Pazhamudhircholai. Most of his compositions are related to the beauty of Lord Muruga and his life. However there are songs about Lord Shiva and goddess Parvathi too.

Thirupugal – The Holy Praise or Divine Glory

Drafted in the 15th Century, was known to the world through oral recitals covering more than 200 destinations across India and Sri Lanka. The collection of all these carnatic music fall under Thirupugal, eru mayil is one of them.

While the mediaeval literature used a particular style and pattern. Thirupugal took the world by storm with its easy songs that are rhythmic in nature denoting the longing for Lord Muruga.

Lord Muruga – a culture beyond divinity

It is said that Lord Muruga was more than a god to many lands of Tamil Nadu. He is known as the ‘Thamizh Kadavul’ translated as Tamil god who also has shrines in other parts of the world. He is known for his beauty, compassion and his timely advice for his father, Lord Shiva. It is sometimes considered as an anthology for its virtuous and metaphysical script. He is most worshipped by the Tamil people imbibing many philosophical ideas in their culture.

Eru Mayil Eri Thirupugal Lyrics, Meaning & Significance

Eru mayil eri vilaiyaadu mukam ondre
Eesarudan nyaana mozhi pesu mukam ondre

Literal Meaning:

One face is for the going around the world falling prey to lord Shiva’s Thiruvilaiyadal without hesitation on his vehicle, Peacock

One face preached the secret of OM, the universal truth to Lord Shiva

Philosophical understanding:

The first verse of eru mayil eri lyrics explains the significance of the peacock, the divine spirit animal on which the deity is said to travel. When he was pranked to get the great fruit of knowledge he and his brother Ganesha were asked to go around the world thrice. Muruga took flight with his divine peacock that flew along with Him. The peacock (mayil) signifies manliness, sportive attitude, it’s tall height and it also happens to be the vehicle of his father, Lord Shiva – this means Lord Muruga can use both the birds as He pleases.

The second line portrays Muruga as the man who knows the secret behind the universe which is the truth and reasoning of OM. In Swamimalai, when Lord Shiva had to learn what it means, he seeked Muruga’s help who asked him to sit below like a student after which he whispered the philosophy into his father’s ear. In this context, the saint asks Muruga to be his Master who knows the secret of the universe.

Koorum adiyaargal vinai theerkku mukam ondre
Kundruruva velvaangi nindra mukam ondre

Literal Meaning:

One face is the one that removes bad deeds of devotees who sang your praise
One face that is directed to plunge through the mountain, Krouncha

Philosophical understanding:

The third line represents the lord to remove bad deeds that is caused by one’s ego and possessiveness destroyed by His grace. This is for his endless devotees and the saint himself to demolish their life’s sins.

The fourth line represents how he knocked the mountains of the demons and stands tall with his spear, Vel. It signifies him destroying one’s ego with his holy spear gifted by his mother, Parvathi.

Maarupadu soorarai vadhaithhta mukam ondre
Valliyai manam punara vandha mukam ondre

Literal Meaning:

One face that won over the demon, Soorapadman
One face that fell in love with Valli

Philosophical understanding:

The fifth verse represents how the Tamil god, Muruga, wooed Valli after he destroyed the demonous deeds of Soorapadman. He ended up marrying her too after marrying Lord Indra’s daughter, Deivanai, too. The saint asks to be affixed to Lord Muruga’s feet which means to surrender to the belief.

Aarumugam aanaporul nee arulal vendum
Aadhi arunaachalam amarndha perumaale

Literal Meaning:

I plead with the man who resides in Thiruvannamalai to explain what the 6-faced Murugan (Arumugam) is.

Philosophical understanding:

The sixth verse focuses on the 5-faced Shiva blessings for worldly wealth and the beautiful Parvathi goddess to bless them making the saint wonder what lord Muruga’s six faces represent pleading the answer to ‘the great one’ seated in Thriuvannamalai. The saint pleads to know the answer and significance of all the six magnificent faces of Lord Muruga.

There is an alternative significance of Shiva’s 5 faces and the divine face of his consort, Parvathi, makes the 6 faces of Lord Muruga, which is why He is called the Arumuga. In some texts, the song represents the six stages of Lord Muruga right from playing with his peacock as a child till he is a hermit (sanyasi).

If you read this on a normal day, you subconsciously get into a rhythm. The song signifies the six beautiful faces of Aarumugam that translates to 6 faces which is another name of the deity out of the million names he has.

Eru Mayil Eri the Carnatic Classic

The song has been there for centuries and has many avatars. The one that we would like to feature is the version set in Mohanam scale with Kanda Chapu Thalam thought as 5/4 tempo signature in Western Classical Music. Versions of Nithyasree Mahadevan and Neyveli Santhanagopalan are notable.

To today’s date, you can find devotees sincerely chanting the verses of eru mayil eri thirupugal in temples that reverberate through the walls of holy shrines in India apart from lengthy Carnatic concerts.

Raga: Mohanam

Tala: Kanda chapu

Composer: Arunagirinathar

Aro: S R2 G2 P D2 Ṡ 

Ava: Ṡ D2 P G2 R2 S

Eru Mayil Eri Thirupugal Lyrics

Eru mayil eri vilaiyaadu mukam ondre

Eesarudan nyaana mozhi pesu mukam ondre

Koorum adiyaargal vinai theerkku mukam ondre

Kundruruva velvaangi nindra mukam ondre

(Like the previous lines)

Maarupadu soorarai vadhaithhta mukam ondre

Valliyai manam punara vandha mukam ondre

Aarumugam aanaporul nee arulal vendum

Aadhi arunaachalam amarndha perumaale

Eru Mayil Eri Thirupugal Notations

G  ,    G   G   GG  ,    G   G   G   R  ,   G  P  GP  ,    P  ,  , 
ye    ru  ma yilye     ri  vi laiya  dum mu kamon     dre
R  ,    G   R   GP  ,    P   P   GP  ,   D  Ṡ DṠ ,    Ṡ ,  , 
ee     sa  ru dannya    na  mo zhipe   su mu kamon     dre
Ġ ,    Ġ  Ġ  ṘṠ Ṡ   Ṙ  Ṡ  DD  ,   Ṡ  D  PD  ,    D  ,  ,
koo  rum  a   diyar gal vi naitheer ku mu kamon     dre
,      D  PP  ,    D   P  GG  ,   D   P  PG  ,    P  G  R
kun    dru ru vavel     va  n  ginin   dra  mu kamon     dre
G  ,    G   G   GG  ,    G   G   G   R  R   G  P  GP  ,    P  ,  , 
ma     ru  pa dusoo     ra rai vadhaiththa mu kam  on     dre
R  R    G   R   GP  P    P   P   GP  ,   D  D ,    ,  , 
valli  yai  ma  nampu na   ra    van  dha mu on    dre
,        Ṙ       DD  ,     D  PD  ,    D  ,  ,
aa    ru  mu gamaa    na  po rulnee   a   ru laven    dum
,      D  PP  ,    D   P  GG  ,   D   P  PG  ,    P  G  R
aa  dhi  a runa    cha lama     mar ndha peru      ma    le


The meaning of Thirupugazh Eru Mayil quotes the philosophy of Saint Arunagirinathar having faith in the six faces of Lord Muruga.

The real composer of Eru Mayil from Thirupugazh is Saint Arunagirinathar hailing from the mediaeval period of 15th century in Thriuvannamalai.

There are many platforms that showcase the lyrics of Eru Mayil from Thirupugazh. You can find it in the above blog too with its meaning.

The six verse piece associates the six deeds of humans while praising the lord Muruga’s six faces signifying His abodes across Tamil Nadu telling tales of His life’s purpose.

The best experience of listening to Eru Mayil would be in a Carnatic concert, live, performed by your favourite artist. For online users, you can listen to famous versions on YouTube, and other paid subscription based platforms like Spotify, and Amazon Music.

Thirupugazh was written by Arunagirinathar who used to be a notorious lad. He decided to commit suicide when he had many family issues. He became a changed man when Lord Muruga himself saved him and gave him an informed choice of singing HIS tales wherever he goes. Since that he travelled across 200 shrines to sing songs praising Lord Muruga and his family. This birthed Thirupugazh that translates to Divine Glory.

I recommend you to listen to the song along with the lyrics so that you understand the meaning while performing. For instruments, finding the notation and replicating it with minor variations will showcase the true magic behind this literary work of divinity.

Related Blog: Vathapi Ganapathim Lyrics

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Suriya Karthick

Suriya Karthick

As a person with vast knowledge and understanding of Carnatic music and Veena. She makes a methodical teacher. Having known the nuances of Carnatic music better, she gives her students a whole new experience through her way of teaching. She continues to flourish in her musical journey by constantly learning and garnering insights in Carnatic music.

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