Raag Darbari

Would you believe it if I told you that a raag can have healing powers? Well, Raag Darbari has therapeutic effects that can cure a headache. Join me as we explore one of the most revered raags in Hindustani Classical Music. This blog will teach you Raag Darbari aaroh, avroh, pakad, and Raag Darbari notes in english. Lets get started.

Origins of Raag Darbari

What is the meaning of Raag Darbari?

To understand the ‘Raag Darbari’ meaning, we must take a trip to ancient times when Tansen created this raag. The term Darbari means ‘Royal Court’. The origins of this raag are tied to the royal courts of India. We know that Raag Darbari is one of a raag of the Kanada family . It is believed to have its root origin from Carnatic Music and is considered to have been brought into North Indian Music by Miyan Tansen, the legendary 16th century composer in the Mughal Emperor Akbar’s court. This raag was sung by Tansen in the royal courts (Darbar) of Akbar, henceforth adding the prefix ‘Darbari’ to it.

The raag comes across as a musical entity with controlled power, philosophical depth, emotional richness and regality (badge of royalty), and is rightly called the raag of the Emperors (or their darbars) or the Emperor of the  raags. Darbaari is a grave raag, played deep into the night, considered to be more difficult to master and with the potential for profound emotional impact. This blog includes musical characteristics of raag darbari, it’s notes and pratice tips.

Did You Know?

Darbari was created by the Sageet Samrat of Hindustani Classical Music Miyan Tansen  to perform in Mughal Courts of Great emperors.

It is said to have been created in the court of Mughal emperor Akbar. One can say that the sense of grandeur and sophistication embodied in Raag Darbari notes makes it sound majestic! 

There are proofs in the Hindustani Classical repertoire that this raag has its wings spread from the Mughal Period. Compositions such as Druvpads, Thumris and Ghazals are mostly composed and performed in this sophisticated  raag.

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How to Sing Raag Darbari? 

Let’s dive into the structure of Raag Darbari to find out how to sing raag darbari.

Musical Characteristics of Raag Darbari

Darbari Kanada is created from the notes of Asavari thaat and has some interesting musical characteristics. It is a very serious raag and hence, slow and elaborate . Meend (bends) and Andolan(heavy oscillations) are generally more preferred than light and frivolous ornamentations like Murki or khatka.

There are many forms of classical music in India and one of the oldest forms is Druvpad tradition.  Darbari belongs to this Druvpad tradition. This means highly elaborate expression of raags in slow tempo. Sustaining the notes to create a depth and gravitas makes Raag Darbari a king of raags. 

Raag Darbari Aaroh, Avroh And Pakad

Darbari belongs to Asavari Thaat and so the Raag Darbari aroh avroh is based on Asavari mode ie., Gha, Dha, Ni is Komal. 

Aroh (Ascending Order): Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa

Avroh (Descending Order): Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa

Hot Tip!

Singing the swar Gha with from Ma and the swar Dha from Ni makes the sound a reflective sound.

Raag Darbari Notes (Swar notations)           

SwarasGandhar, Dhaivat and Nishad komal. Rest all shuddha swaras.
JatiSampurna-Sampurna Vakra
Ideal time to singMid-night /Third prahar of the Night
Vishranti SthanS; R; P; – S’; P; R
AarohS R g m P d n S’
AvrohS’ d n P m P g m R S
PakadS R g (R)g ; m P d (P)d n P ; n m P S ; S’ (n)d n P m P (m)g m R S ; d,n,S

Gandhar and Dhaivat are the two prominent darbari raag notes which have oscillating character. In Aaroh, Gandhar is rendered with a kan of Rishabh and Dhaivat is rendered with a kan of Pancham whereas in Avroh, Gandhar is rendered with a kan of Madhyam and Dhaivat with a kan of Nishad. 

Dhaivat is skipped in Avroh like S’ (n)d n p. This is a Gamak and Meend Pradhan Raag and is generally expanded in Mandra and Madhya Saptaks ( low/middle octaves). It is said to be a sampurna-sampurna raag , but it must be presented in a vakra (zig-zag pattern) to distinguish it from related raags such as Jaunpuri, Asawari or Adana. The occurrence of repeat Swaras – as double or triple combinations like SSS, NNN, PPP etc. Now lets look into the notes of raag darbari.

Practise Tips for Raag Darbari                

With the above table , we understood the structure of the raag theoretically. You can refer to the audio below to learn basic swaras and chalan of the raag and a bandish to build a foundation of the raag.

Raag Darbari Bandish


Jo Guru Kripa Kare -2

Kotik Paap Katat Pal Chin Mo -2


Guru Ki Mahima Hari So Bhari -2

Ved Puranan Sab Hi Bichaari 

Brahma Vyas Ratat Pal Chin Mo

Ethos of the Raag Darbari  

It is believed that this Raag is an illustrious example that can vividly bring out the feeling of love and pathos. The beauty, the poignancy and the depth of the raag can easily be brought out with the notes G M R S. The emotion of love – (to love and to be loved is one of the most important factor that keep us going in life; the nature and universe loves you so that you exist!) – relationships (they bring in love – be it father, mother, wife, children, brother/sister or friends!) and the meaning of life in itself is nothing but to love and to be loved (Life is complete and meaningful only with the ties of these loving relationships.

At one level, the masculine temper of the raag gives it a majestic touch, at another level, the pathos and the poignancy of the raag evokes a feeling of vairagya, total detachment from worldly pleasures, a mood for meditative solitude or seclusion. 

Therapeutic Aspect of the Raag Darbari

What are the Benefits of Singing Raag Darbari?

It has been believed that music has healing power since ancient times. Previous studies have shown music may have a beneficial influence on physical and mental health . The therapeutic effect of this Raag is said to be very effective in easing tension and anxiety. Providing great relief from Headache(Acute), Migraine, Mind Concentration, Grief, Mental Shock and promotes good sleep.

A recent study was set out to investigate students’ psychological Well-being concerning exposure to Raag Darbari Kanada. For the purpose of the study, sixty students of XI-XII standard, comprising both male and female students, from selected schools of Burdwan town of West Bengal were randomly divided into the control group and the experimental group.

The experimental group students were subjected to Well-being Manifestation Measure Scale (WBMMS) after two weeks of exposure to this Raag for 24 minutes each day. The control group students were subjected to no music at all, and WBMMS was applied. After evaluating the results , it may be hypothesized that exposure to this Raag increases students’ psychological well-being. 

When is Raga Darbari Sung?

Raag Darbari sounds at its best when it is performed in the Third Prahar of the Night (between midnight and 3:00am).The emotional and aesthetic qualities align with the mood at this time. One can say that darbari is an evening raag. It evokes a sense of reverence and majesty and belongs to Shanta Rasa.

What is the Mood Of Raag Darbari?

Raag Darbari exhibits a sense of calmness, serenity and grandeur. It also conveys contemplation and reflection that makes it ideal for spiritual and royal settings. I would enjoy performing this raag in the late evenings and its sounds creating a serene atmosphere around me. 

This raag has been extensively used by North Indian Film Music. There are a plethora of lovely songs in this raag. Some of the below songs are so vibrant and typical in melody it becomes your lifestyle progressively.

List of Raag Darbari Songs

Hangama Hai Kyon Barpa

The song Hangama Hai Kyon Barpa is one of the iconic Raag Darbari songs, a Ghazal set in this raag. It was performed by legendary Pakistani Singer Ustad Gulam Ali. This semi classical composition was written by Meerza Ghalib in Urdu.

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Dekha Hai Pehli Baar

From the movie Saajan, the song “Dekha Hai Pehli Baar’ was inspired by Raag Darbhari. Clearly, the song’s melody, mood and expressions imitate that of Darbari. The long drawn-out notes and slow phrases bring out the essence of the raag so beautifully.

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Tu Pyar Ka Sagar Hai

Gracefully sung by Lata Mangeshkar, ‘Tu Pyar Ka Sagar Hai’ is yet another one of the popular Raag Darbari songs. The emotional depth and its melody is strongly influenced by the structure of Darbari.

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Performance by legends

Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar has mastered the nuances of the Gwalior, Agra and Jaipur khayal gharanas. He alternates long sustained Darbari raag notes with rapid taans (melodic elaborations), often resolving with m g slide, even teasing the boundaries of the raga with touches of shuddha Ni. Here are the links attached of some legendary performances. 

Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar (vocal) – the Multi-gharana maestro 

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Ustad Nishat Khan (Sitar) – a mournful rendition with high ni Sruti 

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Ustad Irshad Khan (Surbahar) – dominated by heavy, deep-toned bends 

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Darbari Kanada is regarded as one of the most grand, and profoundly introspective raags in Hindustani Music. Several prominent musicians have even stated that Darbari Kanada is the raag they would choose to sing before passing away! The raag possesses one of the most famous peaks in Hindustani music.

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Raags Adana and Nat Bhairavi are similar to Darbari.

It is known as the king of ragas for its grandeur and serenity.

Late evening is the best time to listen to Raag Darbari.

Miyan Tansen composed raag Darbari.

Related blog: Raag Yaman

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