Happy Birthday is one of the easiest songs to play in Ukulele and anyone can learn with few hours of dedicated practise. Given below are the 3 steps that you need to follow for playing Happy birthday ukulele chords
Step 1 : Tune the Ukulele – Standard Tuning
Make sure the Ukulele is tuned in Standard Tuning. The strings in the open notes are G C A E (low to high string). In case if the Ukulele is not tuned properly then it the melody will not sound right when you play the rhythm in Ukulele and sing along with it.
Step 2 : Practise Happy Birthday Ukulele chords
This song needs only 3 chords that also in open position – C D and G.

Step 3 : Tempo, Chord progression & Singing
You will have to decide the tempo of the song. You can use Metronome for this purpose. This will help you to maintain the timing of the song. You can decide the tempo of the song. Initially keep it slow for practise and later you can increase the tempo if you want to make the song fast paced.
To start with you can simply play only down strokes counting 1,2,3,4 and keep repeating it. Many tutors try to fix it with tight with strict up and down strumming patterns. You should be able to get those strumming patterns with a fair amount of practise. There is no hard and fast rule that it has to be played in any fixed pattern. Initially when you are a beginner you can play with simple strumming pattern and as your skill level starts going up, you can play with complex strumming pattern (including finger picking) and the tempo of the song.
Alternatively just sing the song and try to strum with up and down patterns trying to match the rhythm of the song in your head. May be initially it will be a bit difficult, but with simple only down strokes or only simple combination of down and up strokes you will find that you are able to play the melody of the song. Sing along with it and have fun.
Happy Birthday Lyrics & Ukulele Chords
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, to (NAME)
Happy birthday to you!
The purpose of learning this song is to have fun and play it for your friends and loved ones. Don’t worry too much about theory and chord shapes. All you to have remember is just follow the 3 steps and you should be able to play the song easily. If you want to be skilled in ukulele or else want to have some fun learning ukulele you can also consider professional online ukulele classes. Happy Learning