I swear, every singer will have this one burning question- what are the healthy voice tips? Or what’s considered bad habits for singers? Knowingly or unknowingly a few habits can tamper with the beauty of your voice.
We will be discussing healthy voice tips, best foods for singers, vocal warm up exercises and Do’s and don’ts for vocal health in length in this text. Let’s start from the basics.

“If I cannot fly, let me sing.” – Stephen Sondheim
Vocal Cords and Preventing Vocal Strain
Vocal cords are the organ in your body responsible for producing sound. They are two folds that open and close when air passes through it. The vocal cords are situated above the trachea i.e., the windpipe in the larynx(also called the voicebox). The vocal cords vibrate and produce sound when the air passes through the folds. Protecting your vocal cords from any harm remains the number one priority of a singer. There, I have given you one of the greatest healthy voice tips.
One of the best voice protection tips involves preserving your vocal health by taking good care of your vocal cords. Warming up with vocal warm up exercises before singing is the oldest trick in the book and one of the best healthy voice tips to safeguard your vocal cords.

How Can Your Vocal Cords be Damaged?
Let me begin by saying that there are so many habits from food we eat, to air we breathe that can damage your vocal cords. But here are a few reasons why your vocal cords can be damaged and that can also be known as bad habits for singers.
- Firstly, you should always know your limits while singing. Hours of continuous singing even after feeling vocally tired is one of the bad habits that every singer does.
- Speaking too loudly, yelling and screaming unnecessarily can lead to overuse of your vocal cords and can easily damage it.
- Few bacterial infections can cause inflammation or wound your tissues which can cause damage to your vocal cords.
- One of the most bad habits for singers is smoking harmful substances. The healthy voice tip is refrain from smoking
- Some other reasons include the environmental pollutants or pollen irritating your vocal cords that lead to damage.
- Now that we know why, taking care of your vocal cords is the way to a healthy voice. Having good vocal health and preventing vocal strain is the primary focus if you’re a singer or a beginner.
Having said all these, let’s look at some Do’s and Don’ts for a healthy voice.
Do’s and Don’ts for a Healthy Voice
Every activity from sports to cooking, from singing to painting has few things to do and few not to. More than the guidelines, one must be very cautious with the warning ie, the don’ts! It’s imperative to follow these Do’s and don’ts for vocal health to get 100% results. So let’s look at some healthy voice tips along with some best foods for singers and a few bad habits for singers that you must be aware of! I will also do a few vocal warm up exercises to help you get a grip on your vocal health.
Do’s – Healthy Voice Tips
Keep yourself hydrated at all times

Yep, you must stay hydrated even when you are not singing. Drinking enough water is absolutely essential for voice health. Having sips of water in between practice is an excellent healthy voice tip! This helps you to lubricate your vocal cords and avoids dryness or any sort of strain. Moreover, keeping yourself hydrated at all times is good for your overall health.
Warm up and down!

A singer must warm up your voice with vocal warm up exercises before using your voice. Ever heard of warming down? Also, I cannot stress this enough! You need to warm down after long hours of using your vocal cords. This vocal care tip is just as important as any. Finishing your routine without warming down is one of the bad habits for singers and it can without doubt damage vocal cords. Few warmups like Humming, lip trills, sirens, and scales can get your vocal cords ready for singing Warm-ups lessen the chance of strain or damage by preparing your vocal cords for singing. Yet another effective and healthy voice tip.
Practice Consistently
The reason for my using the word ‘consistently’ is because excessive practice of singing today and nothing for 2 days and then again singing all day will definitely shock and strain your vocal cords. An hour of practice with vocal warm up exercises or a musical piece EVERYDAY, reduces the stress of your vocal cords. Voice protection tips include everyday use of your vocal cords for the purpose of singing.
Take Small Breaks
You heard me right! I imagine you’re at the gym, working out for long hours without stopping or taking a break to rest. Is that healthy? Is that good for your health? It’s Big No! Likewise, you must remember to take breaks, to let your vocal cords rest for a bit in between rehearsals or practice. Speaking or singing for a long time without any breaks will make your vocal folds tired and tense. Take breaks, one of the healthy voice tips I follow, to rehydrate, unwind, and strengthen my voice..
Use proper singing techniques

For preventing vocal strain, learn proper vocal techniques. Instead of pushing to sing high notes using your throat muscles, learn to engage your core support.
Check out pointers for singing high notes in another blog I’ve written. Proper technique, the finest healthy voice tips is a must for proper resonance and breathing. Holding your breath too long can cause strain and stress in your throat muscles.
Rest Your Voice Regularly

An important healthy voice tip is to have vocal rest while you’re recovering from an injury or strain to your voice to give your vocal cords time to heal. During this period, let your voice completely rest. Absolutely no practicing vocal warm up exercises otherwise it will aggravate the problem.
Don’ts -Bad Habits for Singers
- When you sing for a large audience, do not sing without a microphone to avoid straining your voice.
- Avoid eating junk foods and oily food items before your performance.
- Avoid learning the basics without proper guidance from a professional.
- Steer clear of excessive alcohol or caffeine drinks since these dehydrate your body. That in turn will affect your voice cords.

- Stay away from smoking as it irritates and dry out your vocal cords.
- NEVER keep clearing your throat. It creates friction and harms your tissues. Instead take a sip of water.
- DO NOT overuse your voice. But in any case of that happening have vocal rest as long it needs to get back to its form.
- One of the very bad habits for singers is ignoring trauma signs such as hoarseness, pain, cold or difficulty speaking and eating. Get yourself checked immediately if you have these warning signs.
Let’s quickly review some of the best foods for singers.

Did You Know?
Whispering creates tension and stresses your vocal cords. Singers must refrain themselves from whispering.
Vocal Care Tips: Best Foods For Singers
A singer needs to go above and beyond to keep their voice healthy. I do! It’s tedious but effective. I hope the healthy voice tips given above are useful. I will also add foods for a healthy voice

- Some of the best foods for singers include protein rich foods such as fish, eggs, dairy products, and nuts. These food items are considered as best food for singers as they come to aid in the growth and repair of tissues of your voice cords.

- Healthy voice tip 101 is to stay hydrated and so singers should take foods that can help provide lubrication to your voice cords. Eat lots of vegetables like celery and cucumbers, and fruits like oranges, grapes, and watermelon.
- Ginger has anti inflammation properties and adding that to your tea or warm water can soothe your throat after a little strain.

- Licorice with honey is one of the best foods to take on a daily basis and helps soothe your throat.
Closing Thoughts
Singing happens to be such a perfect tool for expressing feelings and emotions. To make that beautiful thing happen with nary a trouble, you must take good care of your vocal health. Go ahead and leave your favorite healthy voice care routine in the comments
Hitting High Notes takes a dedication, practice, a few exercises and tips.
How to maintain the health of your voice?
You can maintain the health of your voice by taking good care of your vocal health.
What are the do’s and don’ts for maintaining a healthy voice?
Do’s include using proper techniques, warming up and down, staying hydrated at all times. Don’ts include avoiding smoking, taking in alcohol, stay away from irritants such as pollution etc.
How can I prevent damage to my vocal cords?
You should refrain from overusing your vocal cords.
What can I do to avoid vocal strain?
You should have frequent vocal rests.
Which everyday behaviors harm one’s voice?
Behaviors like yelling and whispering can harm your voice.