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Learn from 75+ qualified music teachers from musicmaster
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We want to be trusted place for everyone who wants to start learning music, for musician’s looking to improve their skills and buying musical instruments. So far we have delivered 35000+ hours of music across through 75+ ‘Awesome’ qualified music teachers. We have guided 1000+ students to begin their musical journey and buy their first musical instrument.
We are a market place. We help people to buy musical instruments through amazon or leading retailers in their respective cities. The brands and models are the same in any location and hence there is no difference whether you buy it online or offline. Our experts & music teachers will make sure you will be able to access all the top brands and models with sufficient resources to make a qualified buying decision.
You can call or +91 97898 97600 for more information to buy your favourite musical instrument – Guitars, Keyboards, Music Grade Exam Books, Flutes, Violin and more.
How we recommend & test musical instruments ?
The content & review for all the instruments are written by professional musicians and music teachers, who teach on our platform. They have spent many hours in using and testing different types of musical instruments and are highly qualified to recommend the right gear. The content & images for the instruments are sourced directly from the original manufacturer website, leading retailers and music experts on our platform.
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Gear Expert
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Grade 8, Acoustic Guitar,
Trinity College, London
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Singer & Bass Guitarist
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